Friday, July 20, 2007

Much More Than I Do


I want to praise You, Lord much more than I do
I want to praise You, Lord much more than I do
Learn to seek Your face
And the knowledge of Your grace
I want to praise You

Birds in the sky sing their song to You
Trees in the field lift their arms to You
I want to sing
I want to lift
My arms to You

~yes Lord, i want to praise You much more than i do^^

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

metal vs dugem

Kita anak metal
Kita kalo joged sukanya mental2
Tabrak sana, tabrak sini seperti kuda binal
Kita bisa lincah walaupun cuma pakai sendal
Abis joged pegal2

Kita selalu optimis
Ayo semua ngangguk2
Apa saja kita setuju
Ayo semua ngangguk2

Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Guk
Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, kayak ayam lagi ngantuk, tuk
Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Guk
Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, kayak orang lagi batuk, tuk tuk

Kita anak dugem, pagi atau malem
Bisa tetep dugem walau badan bau asem
Kita anak dugem tidak macem2
Tetep bisa kalem walau diajak berantem

Kita anak dugem, pagi atau malem
Bisa tetep dugem walau badan bau asem
Kita anak dugem tidak macem2
Tetep bisa kalem lek gelud ora gelem

Kita selalu pesimis
Ayo semua geleng2
Apa saja tidak setuju
Lebih suka geleng2

Leng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng
Leng, Geleng, Geleng, kayak ayam lagi jereng
Leng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng
Leng, Geleng, Geleng, kayak orang di tempeleng

Bagaimana kalo diadu ’pala siapa yg paling batu
Anak metal gak takut, anak dugem pasti takut

Sopo bilang kita takut, ’pala kita memang paling batu
Anak metal ngangguk2, anak dugem ayo geleng2


Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Guk
Leng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng
Guk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Ngangguk, Guk
Leng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng, Geleng

Lagunya kok jadi gini?
Ter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Ter
Ter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Ter
Ter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Muter Ter

Aku pusing

@nyenye a.k.a opung: ayo geleng-geleng XD XD wkwkwkwk :lol:

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pelangi Kasih

Apa yang kau alami kini
mungkin tak dapat engkau mengerti
cobaan yang engkau alami
tak melebihi kekuatanmu

Tuhanku tak akan memberi
ular beracun pada yang minta roti
satu hal tanamkan di hati
indah semua yang Tuhan b'ri

Tangan Tuhan sedang merenda
suatu karya yang agung mulia
Saatnya 'kan tiba nanti
kau lihat pelangi kasih-Nya

Saturday, February 24, 2007



This is so beautiful! John 3:16

A little boy was selling newspapers on the corner, the people were in and
out of the cold.
The little boy was so cold that he wasn't trying to sell many papers.
He walked up to a policeman and said, "Mister, you wouldn't happen to know
where a poor boy could find a warm place to sleep tonight would you?
You see, I sleep in a box up around the corner there and down the alley and
it's awful cold in there for tonight.
Sure would be nice to have a warm place to stay."

The policeman looked down at the little boy and said, "You go down the
street to that big white house and you knock on the door. When they come
out the door you just say John 3:16, and they will let you in."

So he did. He walked up the steps and knocked on the door, and a lady
answered. He looked up and said, "John 3:16." The lady said, "Come on in,

She took him in and she sat him down in a split bottom rocker in front of a
great big old fireplace, and she went off. The boy sat there for a while
and thought to himself: John 3:16...I don't understand it, but it sure
makes a cold boy warm.
Later she came back and asked him "Are you hungry ?" He said, "Well, just a
little. I haven't eaten in a couple of days, and I guess I could stand a
little bit of food,"
The lady took him in the kitchen and sat him down to a table full of
wonderful food. He ate and ate until he couldn't eat any more. Then he
thought to himself: John 3:16...Boy, I sure don't understand it but it sure
makes a hungry boy full.

She took him upstairs to a bathroom to a huge bathtub filled with warm
water, and he sat there and soaked for a while. As he soaked, he thought to
himself: John 3:16... I sure don't understand it, but it sure makes a dirty
boy clean. You know, I've not had a bath, a real bath, in my whole life.
The only bath I ever had was when I stood in front of that big old fire
hydrant as they flushed it out. The lady came in and got him. She took him
to a room, tucked him into a big old feather bed, pulled the covers up
around his neck, kissed him goodnight and turned out the lights. As he lay
in the darkness and looked out the window at the snow coming down on that
cold night, he thought to himself: John 3:16...I don't understand it but it
sure makes a tired boy rested.

The next morning the lady came back up and took him down again to that same
big table full of food. After he ate, she took him back to that same big
old split bottom rocker in front of the fireplace and picked up a big old
She sat down in front of him and looked into his young face. "Do you
understand John 3:16 ?" she asked gently. He replied, "No, Ma'am, I don't.
The first time I ever heard it was last night when the policeman told me to
use it," She opened the Bible to John 3:16 and began to explain to him
about Jesus. Right there, in front of that big old fireplace, he gave his
heart and life to Jesus. He sat there and thought: John 3:16 -- don't
understand it, but it sure makes a lost boy feel safe.

You know, I have to confess I don't understand it either,
how God was willing to send His Son to die for me, and how Jesus would
agree to do such a thing. I don't understand the agony of the Father and
every angel in heaven as they watched Jesus suffer and die. I don't
understand the intense love for ME that kept Jesus on the cross till the
end. I don't understand it, but it sure does make life worth living. John
3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Pass this on only if you mean it.

I do Love God. He is my source of existence.. He keeps me functioning each
and every day. Phil 4:13 If you love God and are not ashamed of all the
marvelous things he has done for you, send this on.

All you do is:

1) Simply say a small prayer for the person who sent you this, "Father, God
bless this person in whatever it is that You know he may be needing this
day !"
2) Send it on to people you Love. Within hours people have prayed for you,
and you caused a multitude of people to pray to God for other people. Then
sit back and watch the power of God work in your life for doing the thing
that you know He loves.

The love of Jesus Christ & the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you
all. God bless & enjoy the day.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more
blessed than the million who won't survive the week.
If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of
imprisonment, the agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are
ahead of 20 million people around the world.
If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture,
or death, you are more blessed than almost three billion people in the
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back,a roof over
your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish
someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.
If your parents are still married and alive, you are very rare, especially
in the United States.
If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If you can hold someone's hand, hug them or even touch them on the
shoulder, you are blessed because you can offer God's healing touch.
If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion
people in the world that cannot read anything at all.

You are so blessed in ways you may never even know.

This cannot be kept. If it stops with you, then the blessing will
disappear. The blessing will only keep working if it is continuously passed
around. If you are a recipient of a blessing, keep the blessing working by
being the source of blessing to other people.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tuhan itu ada

Seorang konsumen datang ke tempat tukang cukur untuk memotong rambut dan merapikan brewoknya.
Si tukang cukur mulai memotong rambut konsumennya dan mulailah terlibat pembicaraan yang mulai menghangat.
Mereka membicarakan banyak hal dan berbagai variasi topik pembicaraan, dan sesaat topik pembicaraan beralih tentang Tuhan.
Si tukang cukur bilang,"Saya tidak percaya Tuhan itu ada".
"Kenapa kamu berkata begitu ???" timpal si konsumen.
"Begini, coba Anda perhatikan di depan sana, di jalanan... untuk menyadari bahwa Tuhan itu tidak ada.
Katakan kepadaku, jika Tuhan itu ada,
Adakah yang sakit??,
Adakah anak terlantar??
Jika Tuhan ada, tidak akan ada sakit ataupun kesusahan.
Saya tidak dapat membayangkan Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang akan membiarkan ini semua terjadi."
Si konsumen diam untuk berpikir sejenak, tapi tidak merespon karena dia tidak ingin memulai adu pendapat.
Si tukang cukur menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan si konsumen pergi meninggalkan tempat si tukang cukur.
Beberapa saat setelah dia meninggalkan ruangan itu dia melihat ada orang di jalan dengan rambut yang panjang, berombak kasar(mlungker-mlungker-istilah jawa-nya), kotor dan brewok yang tidak dicukur. Orang itu terlihat kotor dan tidak terawat.
Si konsumen balik ke tempat tukang cukur dan berkata,"Kamu tahu, sebenarnya TIDAK ADA TUKANG CUKUR."
Si tukang cukur tidak terima," Kamu kok bisa bilang begitu ??".
"Saya disini dan saya tukang cukur. Dan barusan saya mencukurmu!"
"Tidak!" elak si konsumen.
"Tukang cukur itu tidak ada, sebab jika ada, tidak akan ada orang dengan rambut panjang yang kotor dan brewokan seperti orang yang di luar sana", si konsumen menambahkan.
"Ah tidak, tapi tukang cukur tetap ada!", sanggah si tukang cukur.
" Apa yang kamu lihat itu adalah salah mereka sendiri, kenapa mereka tidak datang ke saya", jawab si tukang cukur membela diri.
"Cocok!" kata si konsumen menyetujui.
"Itulah point utama-nya!.
Sama dengan Tuhan, TUHAN ITU JUGA ADA !
Tapi apa yang terjadi... orang-orang TIDAK MAU DATANG kepada-NYA, dan TIDAK MAU MENCARI-NYA.
Oleh karena itu banyak yang sakit dan tertimpa kesusahan di dunia ini."

Monday, February 5, 2007

OST Mojacko

Lagu ini merupakan ide awal dr terbentuknya The Uchiulalaa ...
Kenapa bisa jadi uchiulala?? Soalnya pas lagi denger lagu ini, gw salah ngedenger setiap kata Uchujin Nara jadi Uchiulalaa XD wekekekekek..

Koibito ga Uchujin Nara/ If My Lover Was an Alien

by Iwao Junko

moshimo koibito ga uchujin nara
donanna DE-TO nine, narunokana
suiseide chotto mizuabi shite
dosei no wakkade hitosuberi

kotoba nante iranaine
kitto tanoshikute
toki wo wasureru deshou

kinsei de aeru kirei na VI-NASU
suteki na tokoroe tsuretette

moshimo koibito ga uchujin nara
PAPA mo MAMA mo ne-, odorokuwa
mokusei de BOIJA- machibuse shitara
kasei de tomodachi mitsukeruno

yumewa itsuka kanau mono
kokoro awasete
kitto WA-PU dekirune

chikyu wa aokute kirei datta to
minna ni hanashite agetaina

moshimo koibito ga uchujin nara
hiroi uchuwa yuenchi
sui kin chi ka moku tenkai meiou
sa- uchusende tobitatou
sutekina hoshie tsuretette

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

rokris 8

kangen rokris 8..

ni foto waktu klas 3sma.. mw brangkat retreat.. kangen pen kumpul" lagi ma nak rokris XD XD

kalo ini pas outbound retreatnya.. seru.. maen lumpur gtu.. berasa henshin jd manusia lumpur XD XD waktu itu lumpurnya sempet masuk mulut gw XD XD

rokris 2006 pas mw pulang retreat.. miss u all ^^

2006 di maker rokris 2009..

cewe" rokris 2006 pake putih.. padahal ga janjian XD

di retreat rokris di hotel piknik.. (ngrasa klo nama tempat retreatnya aneh ga?? :P hehehe)

alumni rokris 8..
dresscode: black n white XD XD

OST Hunter X Hunter GI final

Nee moshimo kono sekai de
Kimi to bokuga deaenakatta nara
Yume wo shinjiru koto o
Kitto bokuwa shiranai mamade itanda
Thank you, best of my friend

Chikazuiteiru tabidachi no toki
Wakarete yuku sorezore no michi
Kimi wa oshiete kureta
Donna toki demo waratte yuku koto

Wakari aeta hibiga yuukisa
Shinjiru michi o tsuyoku arukou
Tooku hanareta toshi demo
Sora wa itsudemo tsuduiteru kara

Nee moshimo kono sekai de
Kimi to boku ga deaenakatta nara
Yume wo shinjiru koto o
Kitto bokuwa shiranai mamade itanda
Thank you, best of my friend

Itsuka kimiga mayou tokiniwa
Bokura no hibi o omoida sebaii
Sousa otonani nattemo
Kawaranai mono aruhazu dakara

Nee moshimo kono sekai de
Kimi to boku ga deaenakatta nara
Yume wo mitsudukeru koto
Kitto bokuwa dekinai mamade itanda
Thank you, best of my friend

Yume wa tsuduku kumo no youni atachi wo kaedemo
Bokuwo nosete dokomade yuku haruka
Tabiwa tsuduite irunosa imademo

Nee moshimo kono sekai
Kimi to boku ga deaenakatta nara
Koushite warau kotomo
Kitto bokuwa shiranaide itanda

Nee moshimo kono sekai de
Kimi to boku ga deaenakatta nara
Yume wo shinjiru koto o
Kitto bokuwa shiranai mamade itanda
Thank you, best of my friend

keren bgt nih lagunya, maknanya juga ga kalah keren ^^
bisa download lagunya d

nostalgia mode : on

mw nostalgia nih..

ni foto di bali waktu gw masi bocah XD
foto kluarga besar dr pihak bokap.. nyuuu,, kangen XD XD

klo ini foto waktu gw klas 5 sd klo ga salah.. waktu itu kan gw ikut les nari XD trus ini abis pentas di taman mini XD

namanya jg masi kcil, ms nurut" aj dsuru ini itu.. klo skrng,, behh,, mana mw gw dsuru pake baju ondel" kek gtu XD